Managed Cloud Services have been the buzzword in business for the past decade. They provide a practical answer to several business concerns like data storage, disaster recovery, mobility, sustainability, and so on. With cloud services, you can open a world of vast growth opportunities for your business that are beyond anything you can achieve with traditional physical limitations.

Two Ways to Use Managed Cloud Services

As a business owner, you have two ways to use the cloud. The first is by migrating your business to the cloud yourself using a cloud hosting service. Here, you will essentially just be renting cloud space, and you will still have to take care of all the maintenance and management yourself. The second way is to use managed cloud services from a trusted IT provider.

What Are Managed Cloud Services?

They are all-inclusive services that refer to the management of an organization’s cloud platform. Many business owners prefer this over unmanaged services mainly because it relieves them of the burden of all the technical matters like migration and maintenance, leaving them free to run their business from the cloud setup.

Advantages of Managed Cloud Services for Businesses

Current statistics show that more than 60% of small businesses now rely on managed cloud services for various business operations, and the number keeps growing. It’s not surprising, considering the many advantages that it offers.

Scalability and Flexibility

IT requirements constantly change as a business grows. Whether you need greater bandwidth, more data storage, faster processing power, or whatnot, managed cloud services make implementing these changes easy. Upgrades or downgrades can be completed quickly and at a minimal cost to the business.

Minimal Downtime with Managed Cloud Services

System failures cannot always be avoided, but with a managed cloud, they will be very rare and very short. If one server shuts down, for instance, a different server can take over. Moreover, vigilant monitoring and rapid response times by the management team will ensure rapid resolution to any issue that arises.

Improved Collaborations

Authorized entities, no matter where they are, can access any data that is on a cloud. This ability makes business collaborations a lot more efficient. Multiple parties can share, view, and edit files from any geographical location or time zone, saving businesses a lot of time and other resources, and effectively boosting overall work productivity.

Reduced Business Costs

A subscription for this service costs money, but this expense is tiny compared to the spending you would have if you went for unmanaged services or stayed away from the cloud altogether. With managed services, the subscription is the only thing you need to pay. Since your subscription will cover this cost, you won’t need to worry about hiring experts, investing in hardware, or paying for operational expenses.

Optimize Cloud Expenses with an Excessive Spending Calculator

This service can potentially lead to significant savings. However, a simple shift to the cloud will not automatically bring down your overall spending. You need to make smart choices as to which cloud services to avail and how to allocate cloud resources strategically for your business.

An easy way to make these decisions soundly is by using our Excessive Spending Calculator. This practical resource can identify all the cloud services you can do without. It will help you uncover hidden costs and eliminate unnecessary expenses, ultimately allowing you to find the most cost-effective solutions.

Unlock Your Business’s Growth Potential with Managed Cloud Services

So, are you ready to unlock your business’s growth potential? Or perhaps you would like to know more about this service. Either way, you can call us, and we will book you for a free consultation!